Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere


London, England 1881
The Telegraph was an important tool of business, opening up lines of communication that were impossible before. Businesses quickly took advantage of it to give them a competitive edge. Morse code was easy as long as you could memorize, listen and combine it correctly. Since Morse code was widely becoming known, they had to develop their own code words so that anyone who intercepted and listened in wouldn't know the message. Women were as good as men with this and entered the workplaces as telegraphers, alongside men. We all know what happens when you put men and women together in the same place all day. Lots of possibilities. Love issues and theft of information among them. When Alice comes into the office, she has a lot of experience, intelligence, and is highly efficient at her job. The guy who was already there was a slump but was related by marriage. Douglas was an intelligent and hard-working guy who had advanced himself from a poor life, becoming invaluable to the owner. Into this mix comes jealousy, social snubbing, social climbing, subterfuge moral code of the day and love. Mixed with a little humor to make it interesting. This is one of those fabulous authors who makes you forget the people aren't real. I found myself praying for them more than once. Excellent read that you don't want to see end. 

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
#NetGalley #LineByLine #JenniferDelamere #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarNovel #BethanyHouse

My reviews: