Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Fossil Hunter by Tea Cooper


1847 and 1919 New South Wales, Australia
Beautifully told timeslip story. Very intricate mystery that unfolds slowly back and forth through time in a deep gorge where fossils were found from a time when the area had been at the bottom of the ocean. Women were restricted as to where they could go, what they could do. For a woman to be given credit for the find of a significant fossil was rare. Mellie was a very young girl in 1919, taken in by a doctor's family after an illness and her father had been taken away. She had other traumatic experiences as well. When she goes with the doctor's family to visit a family friend, she begins to learn about fossil hunting. Australia is a very wild place in the gorge, flora and fauna, and has its secrets which are unveiled little by little. It and the woman who owned it bring healing to Mellie. 
Many years later PJ has her own reasons for going to the gorge. She and her friend had been ambulance drivers in the war. As the mysteries unfold in both time frames, truth is revealed that impacts both women and their families. Sometimes painful, you can't help but cheer Mellie on. Excellent read that holds your interest to the end.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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