Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Jilting Jory


Historical romance. Wonderful story about Anna, a high society girl who met Jory in his hometown of Cornwall and fell in love. He was out of her class, but just what she needed. She had never had a loving relationship though and wasn't sure that Jory's love would last once he was around her she chickened out and didn't show up when she was supposed to run off with him. Instead, she went back home to her fancy life without love, agreeing to marry two others but running away from the wedding each time. After the second one, she ran away from home to Jory's hometown to see if he had married yet. Her family shunned her, so she was without money had to work in a saloon for one of Jory's many cousins to earn her room and board. The cousins were hard on her, but she was determined, working hard at all tasks, and little by little they all loved her and rooted for her to reunite with Jory. But Jory was leery of her...and so the story is told. Excellent, heartwarming read with a bunch of people who are very close to one another and very endearing. Loved it!

I received this book free from the publisher and Book Sirens book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
#BookSirens #JiltingJory #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #HistoricalRomance

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