Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Answering Liberty's Call by Tracy Lawson


Adapted from the writings of Jeremiah Asbury Stone, Benjamin and Anna’s third son, and other historical records.

Interesting Historical fiction based on a true story in 1778. Anna Stone of Virginia heard about her brothers and husband where they were stationed at Valley Forge PA - the horrible conditions, sickness, lack of food and clothing. She is a healer and feels she can take some needed provisions and help to them. She had a sturdy horse and a plan where to stay, some with relatives as she went. It was still dangerous to travel alone, especially as a woman. She ended up wearing some of her husband's clothes part of the way. When staying at a relative's house she met one of Washington's men and was asked to deliver an important message to the General personally, believing she would be less likely to be perceived as a messenger. She was then in even more danger than before. It's an interesting recount of what happened, well told, bringing the people to life. The experience brings Anna a new sense of liberty and freedom in her own life, and a great sense of accomplishment. Gives you a glimpse into people's lives as our country was fighting for its liberty and independence from England, the contrast of the well off and poor, evil and good people, and political corruption even in the earliest days of our country, some insight as to why our declaration of independence and early laws were written as they were. And the bravery of people who fought for our right to freedom. They should not be forgotten or taken for granted.

I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#AnsweringLibertysCall #NetGalley #TracyLawson #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #HistoricalFiction

My Reviews