Thursday, November 11, 2021

Little Dove (Wingbound Series) by Heather Trim


Novella that is a prequel to the Wingbound Series. It tells the story of Paloma/Huyana, where she came from and how the people in the stories got started and why. As a very young girl she is rejected by her family and sent away, she learns how to survive under less than ideal circumstances. She's got pluck though, and fights her way back to where her mother once left her. She meets wonderful people in a small village, forging new relationships and eventually learning more about her own family and what happened to them. She grows and heals, finding a way for herself, and for her people. Of course, it's an excellent read and keeps you hooked. Love this series! Make the great escape and pick up this book.

I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
#LittleDove #WingboundSeries #HeatherTrim #Escape #CleanRead

My Reviews