Friday, December 10, 2021

Shadows of Swanford Abbey


1820 England. Christian historical. A murder mystery skillfully woven through the romance. Rebecca is a lady's companion and is returning home after years because her brother John is distressed and not handling things well. He had worked for an author, writing his own story, who then stole it. It became a best seller. They wouldn't believe him though. He wrote another story and wanted to sell it. This time making a copy, for it to be presented to the same author to catch him this time. This author is staying at a nearby hotel, which used to be an Abbey, and was supposed to be haunted. John convinces Rebecca to stay at the hotel to get the author to look at his book. 
Sir Frederick, owner of the small home that John stays in, is also staying at the hotel, with his brother. He is an old friend from when their parents were alive. One who Rebecca had a crush on when younger. 
Getting the book to the author is difficult. He is more than unpleasant, sequestering himself in the room which was once the old Abess's, with a hired guard outside his room. Rebecca sees some strange things during her stay, woven throughout, clues Agatha Christie style. The tension between characters, who each have their own mystery to discern, builds. 
After the murder of the author, Sir Frederick, who is also the magistrate, must figure out what happened. Unraveling the backstory is quite interesting. He has a soft spot for Rebecca, which makes things more difficult for him as she seems more and more involved in the circumstances of the murder. While she is trying to solve it herself, worrying that her brother is involved. 
Warm relationships are wound throughout the story, pull at your heartstrings. Excellent read. Not an easy mystery to figure out who done it. Keeps you intrigued to the end.

I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#ShadowsofSwanfordAbbey #NetGalley.

My Reviews