Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Match of Wits by Jen Turano


When Carrie notified me that I had won this book by Jen Turano I was so surprised. As I mentioned in my previous post, I don't usually win things, and this was the second book I had won. Very exciting for me! And the chance to "meet" Carrie Fancett Pagels, which has been a great pleasure.
If you haven't read a book by Jen Turano - do it. You'll most surely want to read the whole series of the Ladies of Distinction books. One book follows the other, going into more detail of one of the characters. Fast paced books that will leave you in stitches!

My review:
The fourth in the Ladies of Distinction series, another hit by Jen Turano. If you've read the previous books, you'll be used to the non-stop antics of the characters you've glimpsed before, each as endearing as the other. There's a mystery to be solved, by a Gilded Age lady of society - big hearted, clutsy and beautiful. And of course it wouldn't be a romance without a handsome gentleman from the same society and family connections, who is of course highly successful as well as daft when it comes to women and somewhat mixed up with his life. Oh yes, and this story includes a brilliant pig!

The completely delightful style of Jen Turano is a pleasure to read. Never a dull moment, frantically paced and also Christian, with lessons interspersed. Sit back, unwind and be completely entertained!

I received this book from Carrie Fancett Pagels at "Overcoming With God"

Link to book on Amazon

My reviews located here:
Barnes and Noble