Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Farmer's Daughter Romance Collection

5 Historical Romances Homegrown in the American Heartland
by Mary Davis, Kelly Eileen Hake, Tracie Peterson, Jill Stengl, Susan May Warren

"Lord, I can see I’m coming to the right place for help.’ Tis gonna take nothing short of a miracle."

God filled. Each story holds lessons of God's love for us and how to live our lives. A book you won't want to put down; a book you won't want to end.
A nice long read each. Some collections I've read tell a good story but get through it all too quickly.   These are great, and have a Christian message as well. There's a lot of detail, depth and expert storytelling.

  1887 A real tomboy of the wild west that will steal your heart, and you'll feel her pain and struggle in this effort to keep custody of her nieces.
  1874 Ireland shows Ewan coming to America and meets an Irish family while working for the railroad.  Deeply Christian values on how to live with honor and treat others.
  Then There's Tracy's gentle story of pioneers in Kansas who are visited by a young circuit preacher, graced by inciteful preaching. Words to live by. She really poured her heart and soul into this story with such blessing and wisdom.
  1881 Wisconsin A circus performer turned farmhand, hiding from his wealthy family. He meets his boss's daughter and learns about life and living in God's plan. Trials and struggle blessed this couple. Wonderful teaching of how lives should be led in God's light.
"She hadn’t considered that a foreigner, especially a German, would know the same God she did."
  1918 South Dakota Two girls race to meet a train and send letters to their beaus overseas. A German immigrant is working in an indentured contract at a ranch nearby. I particularly loved this because of my German heritage. Immigrants before the war, but I always wondered how they were really treated here after the war started. If they had to be on the offensive. This is a beautiful story of finding God's plan for our lives. A story of true love.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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My Reviews: