Showing posts with label Surprised by love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surprised by love. Show all posts

Friday, November 7, 2014

Surprised By Love by Julie Lessman

 Heartbreaking romance from beginning to end!

Another hit from Julie Lessman.  Honestly, you cannot go wrong with one of her books! This is book three in The Heart of San Francisco series, set during San Francisco's Gilded Age. I had not read the previous two books, but was able to grasp the story line and enjoy it without a problem. I had read the Daughters of Boston series and this is in some ways similar in that it involves a large Irish family,  yet with entirely different people.  And I do mean people as these are more than characters to you even part way through the book.

Meg is a young woman who as a child was overweight and made fun of.  She's just come home from Paris, all grown up, with a new figure and new look that will melt the boys - and silence anyone who ever ridiculed her before.  She's still a sweet girl on the inside though, and most of all wants to see Bram, who acted as a protective older brother to her before.  Meg is granted an internship to be a lawyer, and she has interests in the medical field as well.  She is thrust into an office with Devlin, the one person who tore her apart relentlessly in the past. He cannot see her in the same way anymore, and falls head over heels for her now.  He's a Christian and sincerely apologizes for what he did to her in the past,  so he becomes more appealing to Meg, especially since Bram denies his love for her.

Bram is so glad to see Meg again and to know that she has thrived while away. He's pretty surprised though at the beautiful young woman she's become, and is drawn to her in a different way now.  But he has some secrets that have never come to light before, and because of his guilt agrees to marry another girl to help his father and his business.

Threaded all through this is another back story between Meg's mother and Bram's boss. The whole story comes together with the biblical story of Abraham, who accepted whatever God wanted from him no matter the cost to himself.  There are lessens to be learned by all as this is applied to the characters in the book.  It's a tale of intense romance, conflict and passion, corruption, deception and revelation.   You'll be pulled along and if you're like me will end up in tears at the end!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher from the Baker Publishing Group Bethany - Netgalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

ISBN: 0800721659
My reviews: