Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Tinsmith 1865 by Sara Dahmen


Marie is from a close Polish family, with two brothers living. The Civil war has just ended, and the mother just died. The father decides to sell everything and go with a wagon train West to where a friend is to work. The men in the family are all tinsmiths. Marie has watched them for years, always wanting to try. Her relationship with her father and brothers is deep. She is expected to cook and take care of them all, but doesn't really have those skills. She learns who she is throughout the story, always having to adjust to the men's actions. Very well written - you get lost in her struggle. It's interesting learning about tinsmithing. Heart wrenching story as she struggles to get out of debt and stay strong when others don't accept that she's female doing a man's trade. She struggles as hard to accept herself and fit in. There are a few spots with bad language that are disappointing, mostly towards the beginning. Another somewhat graphic sexual situation near the end. The suggestion of each would have been enough. The story is so compelling that I still gave it five stars but people I review for should be aware.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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My reviews