Sunday, December 25, 2022

Marmee by Sarah Miller


When reading Little Women or watching the movie, I never really gave much thought to the mother and how she grew up, although I remember finding her puzzling for fleeting moments. This tells her story, faithfully following the beloved classic, explaining some things and uncovering others. Margaret "Marmee" March was quite the interesting forward-thinking woman, and very strong. This is based on Louisa May Alcott's own family. Great read, nice to revisit a favorite classic, realize little things I had forgotten and discover things I didn't know. 

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
#Marmee #NetGalley #SarahMiller #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #HistoricalFiction

My reviews