Saturday, February 5, 2022

Veiled in Smoke by Jocelyn Green


Christian Historical set before, during and after the great Chicago fire. Interesting story with great depth, murder and mystery, faith, family and friends. Meg and Sylvie are sisters, running a bookstore in their home, that was originally established by their parents. Their father had been a prisoner of war in the Civil war and was struggling to cope with his life back home. The night of the Chicago fire changed all their lives, setting a new reality in motion.  As the story unfolds, they all start rebuilding their lives. Sometimes it's better to have everything torn down and start over, clearing some of the obstacles in front of us. But no one said it would be easy. It's interesting that more lives were lost in rebuilding the city than in the fire. Love for one another and faith in God are the strength and foundation to build on.

I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. 
#VeiledinSmoke #NetGalley

My reviews

"What a mercy that God was not limited by that which limited her. "