Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Lady of Galway Manor by Jennifer Deibel


1920 Galway Ireland. Lady Annabeth comes with her family from England, as new Landlords of Galway Manor. It's a time of Irish Revolutionary actions. Anna is bored with society things, has been given a year to decide whether to accept betrothal to the older man her father has set up for her. Her father is quite indulgent with her and arranges for her to apprentice at Claddagh Jeweller's shop. Their family had the ancestor who first designed the claddagh, handed down, with the legend, through the years. Steven has his own reasons to want the British out of their town.  Having his father agree for him to teach Anna went against him. As they spend time together, they each learn about the other and the many untruths on each side. As Anna interacts unselfishly with the townspeople, they get to know her and like her. Throughout the story you see the give and take, the acceptance of each other and beauty of the Irish way of life. A true love story encompassing the legend of the claddagh, and God's way for us. As the author says, all are created in the image of God, therefore, all are valuable and hold purpose. Many examples of Irish culture are illustrated within the story. People on both sides give of themselves for the other. Christian Historical Romance.
I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. 
#TheLadyofGalwayManor #NetGalley

My Reviews