Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Miracle of Mysteria by Leonid Belov

The Black Plague could have destroyed the town . . .

What a wonderful story!

I was strongly moved. It’s such a special book that not only have I written this review, I’ve made it a point to tell everyone I talk to about it. It is a Christian biographical book inspired by true events in the village of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany (in the Swiss Alps, Rundschau, in the District of Rundschau, Canton of Schwarzwald.) at the time the black plague was taking out villages throughout Europe. The gentleman is 86 years old as he is recounting what happened when he was 20 years old - to him and his best friend, as well as their entire village. An event that changed all of their lives. The plague came closer and closer and soon it was inevitable that it would come to them. Rather than just sit and wait for it to come, their priest taught that it was best to praise the Lord through all things good and bad, and had the idea to reenact Passion of Christ. 

There are still reenactments every 10 years, with the next being held in 2020. You can find more information here  and if you Google it. Also behind the story information here:

I received a free copy of the book from Tower of Harmony in return for a review of this book. I was not required to leave a positive review, but am very pleased to leave the highest review. 

From the Publisher:

What can you do when no hope remains? No matter how much time is left, you can make your remaining moments count. In the year 1348, as the Plague approaches the community of Rundschau in the Swiss Alps, the villagers use their remaining time to stage the Passion of Christ. As their performance turns into prayer, the entire village becomes a temple. What happens when the whole community reaches out to God? The miracle of MYSTERIA—the sacramental and mysterious experience that takes place when people meet God. Heaven IS Listening…
The Miracle of Mysteria is inspired by the actual events that took place in the Bavarian village of Oberammergau. The Passion of Christ has been staged there every decade since 1634, when their village was miraculously spared from the bubonic plague. The next performance will take place in 2020.
The Miracle of Mysteria is translated from Russian by John Meredig, Ph.D. and edited by Thomas Womack, whom readers may know as the editor of the bestseller The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges.
This remarkable Christian novel will appeal not only to Christians, but to everyone confronted with the inescapable question of how to live a meaningful and inspired life in the face of crushing problems, such as rumbling relationships, illness, old age, and yes, even plague!

My Reviews:
Barnes and Noble