Saturday, April 15, 2017

Behind The Scenes by Jen Turano

Hilarious action packed fun that pulls on your heartstrings. A delightful Cinderella-esque story with a special young lady you're sure to love. (Christian Historical Romance) Miss Permilia Griswold grew up with her father at his mines. Because of this upbringing she acquired special talents and a no-nonsense view on life. A new Stepmother leads her father to believe that since they are a wealthy family Permilia should be introduced to and take her place in Society. As you can imagine it was not an easy fit - and she was relegated to Wallflower status.  Which was actually an advantage since she also has a soft heart and needs to earn money to help support her charity. Wait - she's from a wealthy family but has to earn money? That's some Stepmother she has - treating Permilia badly behind her father's back, yet elevating her own daughter. We need a hero!

Asher is a handsome business man who is quite comfortable in Society, but if they were aware of his family's financial situation they might not be so welcoming. He also realizes that he is a bit of a Dandy.

Stir in mystery, a murder attempt and madcap supporting characters in fast paced action. Did I mention Permillia's fabulous fashion taste and affinity for bargain shopping? Who did you think the hero was going to be?

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Cheer up! Read a Jen Turano book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the Bethany House Publishers - Netgalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”.

From the Publisher:
Start of a Delightful New Series from Historical Romance Author Jen Turano

Miss Permilia Griswold may have been given the opportunity of a debut into New York high society, but no one warned her she wasn't guaranteed to "take." After spending the last six years banished to the wallflower section of the ballroom, she's finally putting her status on the fringes of society to good use by penning anonymous society gossip columns under the pseudonym "Miss Quill."

Mr. Asher Rutherford has managed to maintain his status as a reputable gentleman of society despite opening his own department store. While pretending it's simply a lark to fill his time, he has quite legitimate reasons for needing to make his store the most successful in the country.
When Permilia overhears a threat against the estimable Mr. Rutherford, she's determined to find and warn the man. Disgruntled at a first meeting that goes quite poorly and results in Asher not believing her, she decides to take matters into her own hands, never realizing she'll end up at risk as well.

As Asher and Permilia are forced to work together and spend time away from the spotlight of society, perhaps there's more going on behind the scenes than they ever could have anticipated. . . .

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