Showing posts with label sylvesterstallone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sylvesterstallone. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lost On A Mountain In Maine movie trailer


A new movie coming out next month that might be a great film for the whole family. It looks like it could be pretty scary and also very interesting especially his survival techniques, plus a good story line. Looks like it's well acted and filmed.


Lost on a Mountain in Maine tells the inspiring true story of 12-year-old Donn Fendler, who becomes separated from his family by a fast-moving storm atop a treacherous mountain. For nine days Donn fights to stay alive as he attempts to survive the unforgiving wilderness of northern Maine without food, proper clothing, or the knowledge of how bad his situation really is. His disappearance sparks a massive search effort that captures national headlines and attracts hundreds of volunteers, including his own father who fears he may never see his son again.

Release Date: 11/1

Trailer link:

#LostOnAMountainInMaineMIN# LostonaMountaininMaine #lostonamountaininmainemovie #bfe #bluefoxentertainment #balboaproductions #sylvesterstallone #truestory #basedonatruestory #survival #independent #donfendler #Maine #searchandrescue #booksyoucanfeelgoodabout