Showing posts with label hurdles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hurdles. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Hope Between the Pages by Pepper Basham


I don't usually care for stories that flip back and forth between time. This one does it perfectly. For me it worked best because it starts out in the past, 1915 at the Biltmore where Sadie is the maid in charge of the library. A job she us excellent at. As the guests find out when she hears their comments and later places selections they might like out on display. Especially one particular guest.  Class distinction comes into play, a barrier overcome. Hurdles can make each person better when crossed, each gaining rather than losing anything. Then present day Clara is running the family bookstore, without much of a life otherwise. There are people trying to take it from her family,  mysteries open up and there is pressure before all is lost. This turned out to be one of the loveliest love stories I've ever read. The characters are to be treasured. This is the first I've read from this author...I'm a fan. Christian Historical

I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
#HopeBetweenthePages #NetGalley

My Reviews: