
1891. Christian Historical. Fabulous story, very hard to put down. I felt engaged with the characters right away. A mother and daughter who are both in the circus, started out as a family, in Europe. A lot of problems are wrestled with, women who pursue traditionally male-dominated careers, couples who flip gender expectations (for instance, a heroine who towers over the hero), how completely exhausting and crushing postpartum depression and OCD are. Women were quite covered up with their clothing in those days, but these girls wore very skimpy costumes and were very exposed, ogled in their acts yet belittled outside the circus. Three generations of women go through similar feelings at some points in their lives. You can feel the excitement and tension of the circus acts. Love and fear bundled into their stories. Complicated relationships with their husbands. Excellent read.
I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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