Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Chosen Season 4 trailer

This looks like it will be quite impactful. Certainly, the other seasons have been amazing in showing the life of Jesus and the people He chose to surround Him, but this season is getting into the most sorrowful part of His life. We will be watching the series for sure!

Clashing kingdoms. Rival rulers. The enemies of Jesus close in while His followers struggle to keep up, leaving him to carry the burden alone.

Threatened by the reality of Jesus’ growing influence, religious leaders do the unthinkable—ally with their Roman oppressors. As the seeds of betrayal are planted and opposition to Jesus’ message turns violent, he’s left with no alternative but demand that his followers RISE UP.

Season 4 Theatrical Release Dates:
Episodes 1-3: 2/1
Episodes 4-5: 2/15
Episodes 6-7: 2/29

Official Trailer link: https://collidemediagroup.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7fa294e9cfc078eecabbec8f4&id=188bc82361&e=8178308bbe

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