Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Wings of Poppy Pendleton by Melanie Dobson


1907 to 1992 Woven back and forth, gradually revealing a family story as a savvy reporter digs into the facts. Very intricate, details hard to unweave to figure it all out, making it very intriguing - and you have to know what happened to these very real seeming people that are fictional derived from historical facts. I live not far from the Thousand Islands area. It's beautiful and has fascinating history. This story reveals hope in some of the hardest of times for the people on every side. Very well written! 

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#TheWingsOfPoppyPendleton #NetGalley #MelanieDobson #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #TyndaleHousePublishers #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarHistorical #ChildTrafficking

My reviews