Saturday, March 5, 2022

Heaven and Hell for the Tobacco Girls by Lizzie Lane


Pretty much a slice of time for the girls who started out together as tobacco girls, close to the end of WW2. I hadn't read the previous books, but things were well explained, and it didn't hurt the story. It's nice to read of such close friendships, through everything that happens to them. With multiple characters in the book, there are several lives being lived, several lines to follow. Each has their own complicated story, as the point of view shifts from one to another. Nothing boring for sure. Keeps you wanting to pick it up again to see what's going to happen. Life is interesting in England during this part of the war, especially as so many men were stationed there, hailing from all over. Discrimination and racial inequality of the era is also touched on briefly, mainly coming from American citizens. An emotional roller coaster at times. Excellent read with just a few brief spots that would make someone who wants a clean read feel uncomfortable. A bit frustrating though as it cuts off somewhat abruptly, leaving you hanging until the next book to find out what happens. 

I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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