Sunday, April 25, 2021

Where Dandelions Bloom by Tara Johnson


This would make a fabulous mini series. There's so much to this story, and much is based on the life of a real woman who served in the civil war, without revealing that she was a woman. She performed so many tasks, and was excellent at it. Chosen because she was excellent for many duties, trusted and respected. Gabe is a Scot who raised himself up from the slums of N.Y. and became a photographer in the war. Their story winds through many paths, lined with faith. They both came from nothing and were important to the war. They have a bit in common, and were drawn to each other as friends right away. Excellent read, both learning to believe in themselves and each other and to have faith while working through the struggle of war. A get lost in in it book with never a dull moment. 
I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
#WhereDandelionsBloom #NetGalley

My Reviews: