Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Socialite by J'nell Ciesielski

This author has a special talent for weaving history and romance together in special characters. That special ability to bring people to life, and show what it was like to live back in time. This time WW2 in Paris, after the German occupation. Kat's sister got herself into Paris and was being kept by a German officer. She was an official organizer of parties for the social elite, a Brit bringing her social talents to the party and living it up to the hilt. Their father sent Kat to bring her home, his wealth and connections getting her into the area. He also hired Barrett to keep them safe, without her knowledge. The story is a balance of the horrors of Hitler and his elite officers and every day life in high social circles, until the shine started coming off, revealing the evil beneath. I don't think I breathed much for the entire last half of the book. I was on edge the whole time. Fabulous story, completely engaging!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#TheSocialite #NetGalley

My Reviews: