Monday, July 20, 2015

Wait For Me (The West Virginia Mountains Series Book 1) by Jo Huddleston

Christian Historical Romance set in the 1950's. This is best as a Young Adult selection. It covers issues like waiting until you're married for sex, dementia, parental disobedience,  poverty of miners in a mining town, and wealth of the mine owner and his family, bettering yourself with education, as well as basic Christian values.

This is a wonderful, sweet story of a young couple who are from the same town, but different social classes. Because of her mother's views, Julie, the daughter of the mine owner, is expected to attend school but not socialize or interact with the other children. Of course this rarely works. Told in first person, the tale is about Julie and how her life unfolds within this restricted life frame, then after she goes away to college. It's also about a young man from her town whom she loves, and revelations about her father and how he feels about the miners he employs. It's written in a format for younger readers.

Thank you to Cheri and Fred at The Book Club Network, the author Jo Huddleston and the publisher Forget Me Not Romances, a division of Winged Publications, for the opportunity to read this book. I was given a free E-book in exchange for an honest review, which you found here.

I would definitely suggest this book to my family or friends who have young adult children.  I see it's the first in a series. I'd be interested to know how Robby and Julie do as time goes by! Great cover too.