Monday, March 30, 2015

Skinny: She was starving to fit in... (False Reflections Book 1) by Laura L. Smith

This book looks interesting - I've put it on my "to read" list. I was very very thin as a teenager - in fact I was ridiculed for it - so I can't say that I would understand wanting to be really thin. But I'm sure that's one of the points made in this book. And things are different now than when I was a teen.

It's free right now, so grab it!

Here's their review:
The 'need' to be thin continues to plague American girls, and Laura Smith tackles this tough topic in her debut teen novel with thoughtfulness and style. Girls are going to relate to Melissa and her struggle to 'look good.' --Melody Carlson - author of Grace Unplugged and Diary of a Teenage Girl series

A real story for real girls. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by schoolwork, relationships, your friends, or activities, you need to read this book. --Heather Gemmen Wilson - Best Selling Author

Melissa is a vibrant teen who teaches readers signs of an eating disorder and the value of spirituality in working through the treatment. Skinny is powerful because it heightens the awareness of eating disorders--the key to early diagnosis and treatment, which translates to improved adolescent wellness. Thank you, Ms. Smith, for empowering young women! --Dr. Michelle Naegele

Adolescent readers will appreciate this true-to-life account of the ambivalence, pain, and emotional struggle of living with an eating disorder. The seemingly 'normal' drive to achieve, win the favor of a young man, and please one's parents is captured in a readable text that does not underplay the real consequences and health risks that accompany eating disorders. The importance of spiritual connection, not always portrayed in similar stories, is an added bonus. --Julie Campbell-Ruggaard - PhD, LPCC, RN

From the Back Cover
Teenager Melissa Rollins seems to have it all, and now she’s got the eye of the cute new guy in school, Beau Pointreaux. The one thing Melissa doesn’t have is a perfect body. There are ways to fix that, though.

Strict dieting and throwing up can’t be all bad, can they? Melissa soon finds the consequences are devastating, but turning back isn’t so easy. Will she hear God’s voice before it’s too late?

The link on Kindle is here:

Hope you like it!